A function is the main building block of the JavaScript program. We can call the function many times without any repetition of code. Functions are designed to perform a particular task.
- Code reusability
- Less code
- Easy to readable
Function Declaration
- Function declaration starts with a function keyword
- Then, goes the name of the function
- Then, the parameter of the function between two paranthese, separated by a comma.
- Then, we can write code between two curly braces called the function body
- And now call the function with their function name.
Hoisting in function
When we declare a variable inside a function, that variable is only visible inside the local scope.
If we try to access outside of the function, it throws an error message into the console.
If a variable declares in global scope then, we can access that variable inside any function body.
We can update the global variables from the function body with var and let keywords.
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